Some of the things I just wrapped up watching include Stranger Things, Cobra Kai, and the latest & last season of Aggretsuko. I found a lot of this most recent season of Stranger Things to be plodding, and it was only in the last two episodes, I feel, that the momentum got really good. Cobra Kai's latest season was awesome!! But I'm a huge fan of the movie franchise and was so stoked to see the characters of Kreese, Terry Silver, Chozen Toguchi, and even Mike Barnes return, in addition to Daniel and Johnny. The martial arts fights were spectacular and while a lot of the plot was corny, I didn't care. I know what I like and this was comfort-viewing for me.
I started watching Physical:100 on Netflix and it's a Korean reality show where 100 of the fittest people from different disciplines (CrossFit, bodybuilding, military Special Forces, MMA, and social media influencers) go through various challenges. I'm digging it so far.
And while I'm on the topic of Korean tv shows, I'm also watching Extraordinary Attorney Woo, which is about a trial lawyer with autism, and her struggles navigating work and her personal life. It's not all dead-serious, though, and I appreciate that there's a good deal of humor suffused throughout the show.