I just realized there is a Wix mobile app that will allow us to see all forum posts newsfeed style with photos. You can scroll through the latest conversations on your phone, post, reply, add photos. It looks really nice. Of course, just the normal mobile view looks really nice compared to what we had before. I’m posting this from the app to see if we really do have the miracle of uploading photos from our phones.
Wow! It works!

Downloaded the app — this is a test post!
I just got the app, and I really like it! 😊 It makes it so easy to scroll through the feed and comment.
Yes, that did it!! Thanks so much, Skwigg! I am extremely excited to have an entire app devoted to Happy Eaters, haha.
Use the code SUMHKT and let me know if that works. I thought that as a member of the site, the site would just show up in your Wix app, but maybe that's not how it works. That's the invite code it showed me.
I’d like to use the app, but I downloaded the app by the name of Wix which I assume is it, and I think it’s asking me for a code to join. Do you have an “Invite code”? Or is this the wrong app?