I just read this article, on the merits of slow, easy gains and progress over achievement. I think it makes some great points that match up with the same conclusions I’ve come to, with regard to not only exercise but lots of other things in life. Always a good reminder, so I thought I would share! The bullet points are that slow gains add up quick, help you handle greater intensity later on, foster recovery, and promote long-term, consistent progress (and/or, I would add, habits!) over going hard but then hitting a wall or giving up.

I thought of some post of yours, Skwigg, where you said you realized you’ve not missed at least some form of a workout every single day for x amount of a long time, since beginning doing short ZGYM workouts and not trying for top intensity every time. Progress over achievement and consistency are definitely the way to go.
That was good. I like the discussion of progress versus achievement. I also really related to "hard, hard, hurt" versus "slow, slow, never stop." I'm so much more consistent when I'm not breaking bones and tearing tendons all the time. LOL Most of my workouts are easy and fun, and the results are better than when I was constantly dealing with injury and burnout.