Restriction is a great tactic if you want to binge eat, if you want to struggle with weight, if you want to feel deprived, hungry, tired, and food obsessed. Restriction is an actively fattening and miserable pursuit. The more we do it, the less effective it becomes. With time, even thinking about doing it causes problems. What actually works for stellar health at any age is adding things - more nutritious food to fuel fantastic workouts, more recovery time, more sleep, more kindness and joy. What is missing from your current health and happiness approach that you can add to feel better? It's not about taking things away. It's not about deprivation and restraint. Look at what you most need and then give it to yourself. I added things like naps, handstands, fresh vegetables, inspiring podcasts, new recipes, kettlebell swings, laughter, and chocolate. Every day, I see myself being happy and healthy, really enjoying my life and taking great care of myself. Any thoughts that go: I can't... I shouldn't... I'll never... I have to... are trouble. If they come up, I confront them, just like Elf telling the department store Santa, "You sit on a throne of lies!!!" What happens is that all the self-care, delicious food, positive thoughts, and fun times begin to crowd out the diet rituals and sadness.
It's wonderful to want to be healthy and fit. A new world will open up for you when you realize that there's more than one way to get there. You don't have to restrict your food, or hurt yourself, or hate yourself. Genuinely healthy people aren't going about it like that. Pursue joy, not fear and punishment.