The cool thing is that if you can make peace with some weight gain, the fear of weight gain will never hold the same power over you. When I had never weighed more than ___ pounds, the thought of gaining anything beyond it was terrifying! It was world-ending, nightmarish, the worst possible thing that could happen. So much drama! Then I gained waaaaaaay past it and was still happy and fine. Life didn't actually change much. My friends were still my friends, the people who loved me still did, my day was the same, my job was the same. None of my nightmare scenarios came to pass. My weight has been higher and lower at different points in this journey, but I have had the experience of weighing more and life being no different from when I weigh less. That knowledge defuses the bomb. Put all that fear and urgency aside, and you find a new ability to stay in the moment about what you want for lunch, or if you're still hungry. This has a positive impact on food choices and weight stability over time. It takes the reactivity out of it.
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Thanks Skwigg, that makes a lot of sense!