From skwigg's journal:
I baked a rich and crazy full size cake last week and I'm planning to bake another one tomorrow. Every week it's cookies, cakes, pies, cupcakes, brownies. People have noticed. Today a friend said, "You eat more cake than anyone I know." Thank you? LOL I've been asked how I do it without gaining weight. Surely there must be some diet scheme or trick involved. There's not, and that may be the trick! Abundant sugar makes me totally indifferent to sugar. It's around all the time. There's no reason to overeat it. Unlike when I was trying to "quit sugar" or "eat clean." Unlike when I believed sugar was bad, forbidden, exciting, dangerous, or addictive. Wow, did that create some emotional drama! Now, because sugar is a non-issue, I eat better and less than when I was feeling deprived and crazy around it. I may even eat less sugar now that I'm baking all the time than I did when I was dieting, because epic cheat days and weeks-long bingey lapses don't happen anymore. Instead of fighting near-constant urges to overconsume sweets, I have five kinds of dessert in the kitchen and don't want any right now. That's fascinating to me. I remember being twelve years old and trying even then to figure out how Mrs Fields (cookie mogul) wasn't fat. Now I get it. Mrs Fields is habituated. Mrs Fields doesn't care. Maybe she'll have some later.