We have to bring this thread here too! It was one of my favourite places to get opinions on new shows to watch. Recently I finished watching quite a few shows. This is Us, Season 2. I hate to love that show. It's a little too much drama for me, but at the same time I'm sucked into the stories of the characters now.
Girl Boss: Quirky. There were a couple episodes that almost caused me to abandon ship, but I kept watching. Glow: I finished both seasons. LOVE this show. Female wrestlers in the 80s. highly recommend. Good Girls: That was fun.
Maniac: What a weird show! Anyone else watch this? It's about two people who end up in a psych experiment together.
Heartland Season 11: Another Canadian show. This one is my guilty pleasure. It's just a feel good show.
Atypical Season 2: Just as good as season 1. I hope they keep this show going.
I started watching:
Life in Pieces. I really like this one! Cute family humor.
Season 3 of Schitt's Creek is on Netflix now. I love this show! Canadian and funny. Thumbs up.
My husband and I recently tried out an episode of Quantico. I don't think he's sold. He doesn't like network TV shows. I didn't mind it though. Just enough action and "who done it?" for me.
Bosch. Sometimes it's a bit long and a bit dry, but overall it's good. We are 3 or 4 episodes in.
We seem to have completely abandoned Shameless, The Crown, Sneaky Pete, The Man in the High Castle, Riverdale, The Last Man on Earth, The 100, The Rain, and Money Heist. I also abandoned ship on Dynasty. It was awful.
Anyone else watching Survivor? It's a great season called David vs Goliath. There are some really great personalities. I'm hoping Jane the Virgin comes back soon. I loved that show.
We still have 2 episodes to go in Season 4 of Killing Eve. So far I'm still liking it but I had to let go of any notion of the plot making sense. I'm just enjoying the characters. Maybe I'll hate it once I see how it ends. But as long as I don't try to follow the plot too closely it's a fun watch. I just looked back at my previous post and it didn't make sense to me during Season 2 either, but here we are. lol